A Guide to Composting Human Manure
Reader Feedback From The First Edition
0 - The Beginning
1 - Crap Happens
3 - Microhusbandry
4 - Deep Sh*t
5 - A Day In The Life Of A Turd
6 - Composting Toilets And Systems
8 - The Tao Of Compost (*how to do it!)
9 - Alternative Grey Water Systems
10 - The End Is Near
Appendix 1: Temperature Conversions (Not Available)
Appendix 2: Sources of Wetland Plants (Not Available)
Appendix 3: US State Regulations
Copyright 1999, Joseph C. Jenkins
The following information may be reproduced subject to the following three conditions:
1) The information must not be changed or altered
2) The following information must accompany all copies:
Source: The Humanure Handbook. Jenkins Publishing, PO Box 607, Grove City, PA 16127. To order, phone: 1-800-639-4099. http://www.jenkinspublishing.com/
3) The reproduction is not done for profit. Persons wanting to use excerpts or artwork from this book for a profit venture must contact the publisher for permission.