A World Supreme Council
A Mechanism for the
Reconstruction of
the International Order

Statement of Principles for a World Supreme Council


This proposal and 'Statement of Principles for a World Supreme Council' is addressed to the leaders of the world for when they gather together in a world convocation after nuclear World War Three to form a world government - a New World Order - that will assure Unity, Justice, Peace and Prosperity for the whole of humankind.

After World War One the world formed the League of Nations and after World Two it formed the United Nations - both with the idea of assuring peace while maintaining the 'sovereignty' of nations. Obviously that idea did not work. Unless the world wishes to try for World War Four, and the same result, now is the time to do something different because it is considered a scientific truism that repeating the same actions will have the same results as previously.

What is proposed here is a World Supreme Council. Not a Council of nations, not a league of nations, not a union or uniting of nations, because the nation concept as regards the sovereignty of nations is the very element that assures failure for any prospects of establishing and maintaining peace. In this proposal National identities may continue and do their own thing - so long as they do not interfere with the mechanism described here.

The form of New World Order, proposed here, can bring about Unity, Justice, Peace and Prosperity to the whole of the remnant of humankind - and their descendants. All that is needed is the selection of leaders who see themselves as citizens of the world and who put forth the needs and concerns of the whole of humanity over that of some particular national, religious, racial, or class identity. The whole of humanity must then be educated in this global concept.

The first and foremost need of the planet is for all its inhabitants to become unified. Unification does not mean homogenization. There can still remain all the variety of religions, cultures and races, and even greater variety may develop, but all the flowers of the garden must be allowed to grow in peace.

There must be continuous progress towards each and every individual of the planet identifying themselves as being a citizen of the entire planet and, most importantly, recognizing ALL the other inhabitants as citizens of the planet also, and having all the same rights as themselves.

The world leaders must not only be leaders in the sense that they have authority, but more importantly they must be leaders in thought - in being foremost to recognize and teach the unity of all the citizens of the planet in their concern that all the citizens of the planet come to desire unity and justice for all the world's citizens.

Let then, those who gather together to rescue and reconstruct civilization be of global and humanitarian mind, as has just been described, and let them consider the following manner of accomplishing this desired goal.

No ratification by the nations or peoples of the world is needed because all the nations of the world have already unanimously ratified the World Charter of Rights and Freedoms which this mechanism implements and because this mechanism provides for the first time the means by which every individual on the planet will be equally provided with the means of modifying it.

A. Establishment of
the World Supreme Council

A1. By general consensus -
of the world convocation -
and based roughly upon population
let the map of the world
be divided into nine geographic areas -
to be called World Regions.
The boundaries of the nine geographic areas -
need not be a matter of great debate
because a simple and just manner
for their later redefinition is a part
of this proposal.

A2. In each of the initially selected / defined
nine World Regions
let the assembled world leaders / representatives
from the countries / areas in each of those regions
elect a total of nine
Regional Administrators
to a Regional Council
for the World Region in which they reside,
with no more than one administrator being elected from any one country or area.

A3. The nine elected
Regional Administrators
of each Regional Council
must then elect from amongst themselves -
one individual -
to serve on the World Supreme Council
as the designate from their World Region Council.

A4. The elected nine members
of the first World Supreme Council
should draw numbers
to determine their initial sitting order
from one to nine.
The order will thereafter continuously change
in a fair, set and orderly manner
through term expiration and other circumstances.

B. Establishment of Sub-Councils

B1. The two matching and mirrored
uniform principles of top down implementation
and bottom up selection and election are:

    Any higher in-line Council may at anytime
    implicitly or explicitly establish or modify
    the boundaries of any lower in-line Councils.

    Lower Councils elect the membership
    of their immediately higher in-line Council
    and any Council may at any time replace
    its designate to its immediately higher in-line Council
    unless such privilege is denied by that higher Council
    or any higher in-line Council,
    for reason of preventing a lower Council
    of having direct influence over the deliberations
    and decisions of a higher Council.

B2. Should higher in-line Councils differ
regarding any Council's boundaries
or any other decision
then the decision that is binding is that
of the highest in-line Council making a decision.

B3. Until there are root community groups established
having less than 200 and more than 50 individuals over the age of 15,
the described method of Council establishment
should be repeated downward reiteratively
with each Council determining
the boundaries of nine immediately lower-level Councils
within its boundaries -
and the lower Councils each then electing their designate -
to the next higher Council.

B4. The determination of boundaries
for each Council
should always be done using
geographic continuity of boundaries and
approximate equality in size of population
as the guideline.

C. Council Election Process

C1. Unless denied by a higher in-line Council -
all lower Councils have the right
at any time and for any reason
to recall and replace their designate
in the next higher Council.

C2. Any new designate selected must be
one of the currently serving members
of the electing Council.

C3. Each elected designate
to a Higher Council
fills only a vacancy left
by the previously elected person
from the electing Council -
or in case of initial Council's appointed from the top down -
the person representing the geographic area
of the new electing Council.

C4. The most recently elected designate
to a Council becomes member number nine
on that Council -
and all other members presently on the Council
move up in order through
any vacant numbers.

C5. On March 21st of each year -
(or some other determined annual date)
the Number One Member of the Council
retires from each Council -
(no matter how short a period they have served)
and a new member from the area that elected them -
is then elected to the number nine position
on the Council -
all other members moving up a chair and number
in order.

D. Council Election Principles

D1. All persons within a grassroots community
who are age 15 or older
are eligible to vote and to be voted for,
within such limits of balance as considered
in items number D15 and D16 below.
Any questions of eligibility
are to be resolved by the Council
or higher in-line Councils.

D2. Balloting is always by secret ballot -
with all the ballots being openly displayed
during counting.
Reasonable processes to assure anonymity should always be used.

D3. Elections and decisions are always by majority vote.

D4. If a majority does not elect or decide on a ballot -
the votes are announced within the group -
and reballoting takes place -
until a majority elects the designate
or reaches a decision.

D5. Only the nine members of any Council can vote
for a designate to the next higher Council.

D6. Only present members of the Council
can be voted for
as the designate to the next higher Council.

D7. No one can be elected to the same higher Council twice
without passing through the steps
of having been elected again by each lower council
from a grassroots community upwards.

D8. Higher Council members can move about
and live anywhere within their Council's boundaries.

D8. Recall can only be made by the next lower Council that elected the designate.

D9. If a designate is recalled - the recall must be approved
by the Council on which the designate is serving
and by Higher Councils should they wish to intervene.

D10. If recalled -
the designate will be recognized as a respected past Councillor of the level from which they are recalled and will be appointed as an Advisor-at-Large
for the level to which they are returning
with the rights and privileges of a retiring Councillor at that level.

D11. No one will serve any longer
than nine years at any one Council level
because by then they will become number one and retire.

D12. Those retiring from the number one position of any Council
will be recognised as a respected past Councillor and as an Advisor-at-Large
to the level of Council from which they are retiring -
but will not have any vote or authority
(except authority as designated by a Council)
and may not sit at Council
except by unanimous permission of
all members of the sitting Council.

D13. The Nine Sitting Councillors will sit in order of their number -
changing chairs as their number changes.

Dl4. Replacement of a Councillor is always by
a Councillor from the same lower Council
as the one from which the Councillor being replaced was elected.

D15. Should less than 1/3 of a Council be of either sex
then the Council filling the next vacancy on the Council
must provide, if available, a person of that lesser numbered sex.

D16. A Council may determine,
with the explicit or implicit concurrence
of higher Councils.
that the same principle, as applied in item 15,
should apply to certain other minority categories
to assure a sense of justice within a community.

D17. In this system, every individual has equal value in their vote and there is no emotional campaigning, no allegiances or alliances created by campaign funding, and no time or effort wasted in seeking campaign funds or support to remain in Council.

D18. In this system, terms expire automatically without possibility of renewal and Council members have not this reason to be subject to bribes or pressure and should therefore vote only their consciences.

D19. Councilors have no authority individually, but only in their collective vote, except for such temporary responsibilities designated to them, from time to time, by a Council.

E. Principles of the Council Legislative System

E1. The Councils embody the Legislative, Judicial, and Administrative authority of their level. This system eliminates any conflicts of balance of power between various functions because all functions are embodied in the Councils and each Council has supreme authority over the Councils below it.

E2. The Councils at each level are elected from and by the members of the Council below them assuring all the way to the grass roots that the Councils reflect the best of the qualities and attitudes of the Councils below them and providing a truly universal democratic process of representation. Those voting for Council designates should strive to develop a growing maturity in selecting people of the highest spiritual and social qualifications.

E3. The actions, regulations, and decisions of any Council may be reviewed and modified by any of the Higher Councils in their line ascending to the World Supreme Council but a higher Council cannot reject or refuse to seat a lower Council's designate.

E4. Review and modification of the actions, regulations, and decisions of any lower in-line Council is not dependent upon an appeal to the higher in-line Council and any higher in-line Council may initiate any action that they wish, subject only to the implicit or explicit instructions of a still higher-in-line Council.

E5. Regulation and administration should be done on the basis of Stated Principles rather than by statute, by-laws, or other such legal mechanisms.

E6. Each level of Council should reform or restate ALL of its Principles and goals at least every five years.

E7. Each Council is responsible for holding monthly assemblies of the 81 members of their electing Councils in which they will explain the Council's principles, goals, decisions, and recommendations and in which they will listen to the recommendations of the electing Councils.

E8. All Councils will consider the recommendations of their electing Councils but they are not bound to abide by or conform in any way with the recommendations.

E9. All Councils are bound to abide by the directions of all Higher in-line Councils. Should a Council feel there is a conflict in the directions of intermediate Councils then the direction of the highest Council giving direction will take precedence.

F. Principles of the Council Judicial System

F1. The Judicial System is to be one of restorative justice rather than administrative justice.

F2. Restorative Justice works on the basis of consultation to find a healing process for all parties although this may include a punishment or corrective process for offenders.

F3. Restorative Justice works upon the basis of Principles rather than legislative acts, rules, regulations, laws or by-laws because laws and legalism often work against Principles and Justice.

F4. Restorative Justice dispenses with
the court formality of the old world order
and their ceremonial trappings
accompanied by laws, by-laws, regulations and rules
administered by professional prosecutors, defenders, judges,
along with the machinery of argument,
citations, opinions, and precedence.
Here, all that is replaced by the duly elected administrators
or their appointees
who can reach binding and enforceable decisions
on the basis of Principles and consultation.

F5. Justice that must be determined by justice professionals is not justice but legalism. Justice can be determined through consultation among decent, intellectual, just, spiritually minded individuals who at each higher level have been selected by their peers at the previous level as having best reflected those characteristics. They can call upon scientific and technical experts for fact and opinion where necessary.

F6. Each level of Council is responsible for the protection of the Freedoms and Rights of all people in its area - all being subject to any required review and modification of the highest in-line Council that wishes to intervene.

F7. Each level of Council is responsible for the teaching of all people in its area regarding the World Charter of Rights and Freedoms along with the responsibility of each individual regarding those rights and freedoms - all being subject to any required review and modification of the highest in-line Council that wishes to intervene.

F8. Any Council or any individual may appeal to any in-line Council. It is at the Council's discretion whether or not they will hear an appeal unless the appealed Council is ordered to do so, or to not do so, by a still higher in-line Council.

G. Principles of the Council Administrative System

G1. Each level of Council is responsible for Property and Credit Entitlement within its area in accordance with any policies and procedures of higher in-line Councils.

G2. Each level of Council is responsible for a monetary system at its level limited only by any policies and procedures of higher in-line Councils.

G3. Each level of Council is responsible for full employment in its area limited only by any policies and procedures of higher in-line Councils.

G4. Each level of Council is responsible for the economic well-being of all people in its area - limited only by any policies and procedures of higher in-line Councils.

G5. Each council may administer and execute its policies directly or through Commissions of it's appointing.

G6. All members of all Commissions serve at the pleasure of the Councils that appoint them and can be replaced or discharged at any time by the appointing Council or a higher in-line Council.

G7. All policies and decisions of any Commission are made at the pleasure of the appointing Council and may be changed at any time by the appointing Council or by a higher in-line Council.

G8. Commissions having been mandated by Councils to act upon the Council's behalf - the Commission's policies, actions, and decisions are therefore the same as if they were initiated, instituted or implemented by the Council itself.

G9. If so directed by the Council, a Commission may also perform the judiciary function of the Council. The Commissions may thus be perceived as thematic courts dealing with the arbitration, resolution or judgement of matters related to the Commission's particular theme. Conflicts between rulings of different Commissions should be resolved by the Council at the appropriate level as well as should be any appeals.

G10. World Supreme Council Resolutions are binding
on all peoples of the world -
and those who are not submissive -
are simply characterized as non-compliant.

Non-compliance with Council and Commission decisions at any level may initially be the most difficult problem facing the Councils. This problem should diminish as the Councils' prestige becomes recognized and their authority recognized, but in the interim it will take the utmost skill and wisdom to achieve compliance with their judgement and decisions. They will have several tools at their service.

    G10a. Councils should use their Statistical Commissions to demonstrate their concerns. Publication and publicizing of the achievements of the highest ten groups compared with the lowest ten groups would be one technique.

    G10b. Isolation of non-performing and non-complying entities, organizations, Councils, areas, or whatever identifiable groups that are the problem. These can be trade, participation, or such other sanctions as may be devised.

    G10c. Penalization of non-performing and non-complying entities, organizations, Councils, areas, or whatever identifiable groups that are the problem. These can be trade, participation, or such other sanctions as may be devised, including the withholding of entitlement, assistance, recognition, and removal of authority.

    G10d. Lastly, the collective use of force by the higher in-line Councils, using all the resources necessary within any elements of their in-line areas, to bring the recalcitrant entity into compliance.

    G10e. But - first and foremost Councils should use the principles of praise and incentive to encourage as compared to the previous system of law that sought to find, judge and penalize violations. Both regarding individuals and other entities there can be those who are saints, sinners, and satans. The principle should always be to encourage the saints, direct the sinners, and restrain the satans. Contrary to the previous system in which there was almost no effort to encourage or support the saints - that should be the primary effort and tool of this system.

G11. In the initial stages, those entities in a Council's area that seek to opt out of participation in the Council and recognition of its authority will have to be dealt with to the degree feasible - but eventually there must be attained universal compliance.

H. Example Commissions
for the World Supreme Council
and for lower level Councils

Any Council may decide, unless directed differently by a higher in-line Council, to implement or not implement Commissions similar to the following or for that matter still other Commissions of a completely different nature or purpose.

A. Authority Commission -

    a1. To recommend to the appointing Council qualified personnel for appointment to each of the Council's Commissions.

    a2. To define the responsibilities of all the Council's Commissions - and if desired - those of Commissions at lower levels.

    a3. Commissions should be made up
    of individuals with the very highest
    qualifications, credentials and commitment
    in the Commission's theme.

    a4. Commission appointees motives
    should be pure beyond doubt or question -
    and if reasonably challenged -
    substitute individuals should be found
    and appointed.

    a5. Ideally, all members of all
    Councils and Commissions
    should view themselves as being
    World Citizens with responsibility
    to the world as a whole -
    and not to any particular
    racial, religious, geographic, national group
    - or other particular interest -
    but this is particularly important
    for Commissions of the World Supreme Council.

B. Border Commission -

    b1. To determine all borders
    within the Council's area boundaries
    subject to the implicit or explicit approval
    of the highest in-line Council
    that wishes to make the decision.

C. Credentials Commission -
    c1. To oversee the voting process and to approve the eligibility of voters. Similar Commissions may be appointed by Councils at each level but their policies and decisions are subject to review and modification by the Commissions or Councils at the higher in-line levels.

    c2. All elections to any Council are subject to monitoring
    by any higher Council, whether in-line or not,
    that wishes to do so.

    c3. Increasing standards for Council participation may be imposed at each level as the voting base is pressed democratically downwards. Those higher Councils which are not democratically elected in process from the grass roots base will still be permitted to elect designates to the next higher level Council but their designate, while seated and participating in the consultation, should not be permitted to vote.

    c4. Based upon its compliance and attainment of the standards
    published by the statistic committee
    each Council should be categorized
    as being a category A, B, C, D, E, Council
    by the next highest level Council
    subject of course to the implicit or explicit approval -
    of the in-line Councils at still higher levels.

    c5. If desired, the weight of a designate's vote on a Council
    may be affected by the electing Council's level category.

D. Disarmament Commission -

    d1. To supervise the destruction of all nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.

E. Education Commission -

    e1. To promote the development of curricula for moral education in schools and assisting local initiatives all over the world to incorporate a moral dimension into the education of children.

    e2. Listening to and gathering information from leaders of religion and moral teaching.

    e3. To assure universal literacy and as free as possible universal access to technical and scientific education at all levels.

F. Forces Commission -

    f1. To assure that no area exceeds its permitted forces limits, that all conform to one standard, and that each contributes its fair share to the higher-level forces. Similar Commissions may be appointed by Councils at each level but their policies and decisions are subject to review and modification by the Commissions at the higher in-line levels.

G. Goals Commission -

    g1. To measure, record and publish the degree of attainment in every geographic area - the World Supreme Council's stated Charter Rights, economic, education and health goals and all other demographic and statistical information the Council may think relevant.

    Similar Commissions may be appointed by Councils at each level but their policies, standards, decisions and reports are subject to review and any differences from those of the higher levels are to be duly noted therein.

H. Home Commission -

    h1. To provide a seat for the Council. For the World Supreme Council it is recommended that the seat be in Jerusalem because contention about the area can only be eliminated by its becoming the World Center.

I. Industry Development Commission -

    i1. The Industry Development Commission, in each area, shall have responsibility in its area, subject of course to the oversight, and approval (explicit or implicit) by all Councils (usually expressed by their similar Commission) at higher in-line levels - of all policies, practices, actions, decisions, and administration of the following:

      i1a. Entitlement to all facilities, equipment, and use of land, right-of-ways, and natural resources is through the pleasure of the Councils, which may impose use fees for revenue generation. Environmental concerns are the responsibility of each Council at every level with compliance to the decisions of higher in-line Councils.

        i1a1. Entitlement shall be placed only in individual persons and not in soulless corporations or other organizations and may be discontinued at the pleasure of the Councils.

        i1a2. Entitlement shall be passed on through inheritance, only at the pleasure of the Councils and concentrations of wealth shall be limited as deemed fit by the Councils.

      i1b. Council and related Commission oversight shall generally be related to enterprise size with enterprises having World Enterprise Scope being overseen by the World Supreme Council, those of a local nature by local Councils, and those of other interim levels by the appropriate interim level Council - although higher Councils may delegate authority to lower Councils.

    i2. Wealth disparity in the world should be the concern of the World Supreme Council and within sub-areas should be the concern of the Councils in those areas and also the concern of all higher in-line Councils.

    i3. Councils must always strive to balance a number of apparently opposing principles:

      i3a. They must always seek to increase individual initiative and responsibility, and to reduce bureaucracy and centralization, which is the reason that all entitlement is endued to individuals.

      i3b. Individuals endued with entitlement must feel secure in their entitlement and authority and must not in any way fear arbitrary encroachment upon that entitlement and authority.

      i3c. Nevertheless, Councils must assure that the general good is served and that overall injustices and inefficiencies do not arise by some misapplication of monopoly or over competition and are free to adjust entitlements and authority as they see fit.

    i4. Localities, and collectives of localities,
    must develop and implement plans
    suitable to their own needs -
    and they need delegated authority
    to utilize local resources -
    (natural, physical, intellectual)
    including the ability to determine entitlement.

J. Justice Commission -

    Councils at every level should seek to assure Justice at their level - but all higher Councils should carefully monitor the administration of Justice at all levels below them. Justice and Unity are two of the primary concerns of every Council.

K. Killing Commission -

    k1. The justice system prominent in this proposal is one of restoration, collective restitution, and reformation. In those sad cases where this does not prove feasible then ultimate actions are necessary so that the source of the problem is not a threat or a burden to society. Final solutions such as capital punishment or war are never desirable but they are sometimes necessary.

    k2. Councils should be free to impose lesser remedies to whatever extent that they feel that they can afford them and that the lesser remedies do not create a danger to society. Higher Councils may wish to impose restraints or requirements for review before the more drastic measures are imposed by lower Councils.

L. Language Commission -

    l1. The World Supreme Council must be committed to and responsible for a universal auxiliary language and a common script.

      l1a. This proposal should be read narrowly. It does not in any way envision the decline of any living language or culture.

    l2. The Council of each of the Nine World Regions must designate to the World Language Commission one representative language expert for each of the three major languages in its region for a total of 27 designates on the World Language Commission General Body.

      l2a. These 27 designates must then draw numbers to determine their order of seating, one through twenty-seven. Each year on March 21st, or some other date designated by the World Supreme Council, those in the top three seats shall be retired, and the remaining members of the Commission shall move up in order of number. The retiring members shall be replaced by members of the same language background by the Council that first selected them and the new members shall assume the lower seats in the order of the members that retired.

      12b. The 27 members of the Language Commission General Body must initially vote for 5 individuals from among themselves who will be the Steering Committee of the World Language Commission. The first five individuals so elected will draw lots to determine the order of their sitting and each year on March 21st, or on some other date designated by the World Supreme Council, the person in Chair number one will retire and become a Language Commissioner at large with only authority, duties and responsibilities as assigned to them by the Steering Committee.

      12c. Election to the Steering Committee will create a vacancy on the Language Commission General Body which be filled in the usual manner described above in 12a.

      12d. All appointments (elections) to the Steering Committee and the Language Commission General Body are at the pleasure of the World Supreme Council which may implicitly or explicitly sustain them or remove them at any time - and likewise all decisions, policies, programs, or other activities of the World Language Commission are at the pleasure of the World Supreme Council, which may sustain, revise, or revoke them as it wishes.

      12e. The World Language Steering Committee may appoint members of the World Language Commission General Body as chairmen of Committees of experts drawn from, among others, such relevant fields as education, linguistics, economics, the social sciences, and the media, to give them advice and opinion in their selection of the international auxiliary language and the adoption of a common script, and later as to its modification and maintenance.

    l3. The education and literacy
    of all people in their regions and areas
    shall be the duty and responsibility
    of each and every Council at all levels.

      l3a. The teaching of the universal auxiliary language
      should be started at the lowest primary levels
      in all the schools of the world -
      and the practice material
      associated with learning the language -
      should be on virtues.

      l3b. Teaching once begun
      at the lower levels
      should continue on up through the higher grades
      with much of the instruction on all subjects
      taking place in the universal auxiliary language -
      and should continue to include
      moral and ethical instruction in the virtues.

      l3c. Initial language teaching should not exclude
      students in higher grades -
      and those individuals
      who have already completed their formal education -
      should also be encouraged
      to learn the universal auxiliary language -
      and to be exposed to the virtue teachings
      in the process.

M. Monetary Commission -

    m1. The international currency
    entitlement creation monetary system
    should be administered by the World Body
    for all International exchange
    between world regions
    and must NOT be privately controlled
    but MUST BE controlled
    by an individual or Commission directly responsive to
    the World Supreme Council
    and whom can be replaced by the World Supreme Council
    at their pleasure.

    m2. A single global currency
    should not preclude regional or local currencies
    for use at each level of their creation.
    Indeed, a primary function of Councils
    at all levels -
    including the most grassroots level
    should be to control entitlement
    and to ensure that there is sufficient liquidity
    by CREATING CURRENCY for that level
    based upon the resources internal to the level,
    mainly based upon the unemployed labour in the level
    but also using land, machinery, and other assets,
    including currencies created in lower in-line levels
    to assure full employment and just distribution of product.

    m3. Limitations cannot be imposed by a higher-level
    for the creation of currency for use within a level -
    but Councils at each level
    should retain ultimate control over their currencies
    without surrendering them to any private entities.

N. NGO - Non Governmental Organization Oversight Commission -

    n1. In keeping with freedom of association and the encouragement of both individual initiative and altruistic motivation there should be liberal support of NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations).

    n2. In point of fact, these will often represent a better solution to many situations than would Council appointed Commissions.
    Nevertheless, NGOs should be monitored to see that they actually perform their desired function and that they do not become obtrusive, abusive, or in some other manner violate the principles of tolerance, courtesy, and overall altruistic social responsibility.

    n3. Councils therefore have ultimate authority over NGOs operating at the Council's level.

    n4. NGO's can be viewed as defacto Commissions, implicitly or explicitly acting under the Council's purview.

    n5. NGOs' modes of operation may be left up to the NGOs so long as they do not directly interfere with the accomplishment of Council Goals, and that they abide by the social principles established by the Council.

    n6. The Councils, within their level, are free to move functions from Commissions to NGOs or from NGOs to Commissions as they see fit to best attain specified goals or efficiency.

    n7. NGOs may spring up to further goals and projects in thousands of different areas dealing with every aspect of human existence from social justice, education, health and medicine, international cooperation, and technical fields of every sort. Far from placing barriers in their way - they should be encouraged and supported.

O. Operating Commission -

    o1. Councils at every level need efficient, responsive and just executive operations to implement their administrative functions. Great care must be taken that these do not become bogged down in bureaucratic machinery - which is one of the great banes of the present age.

    o2. Responsibility for specific functions should be assigned to specific individuals that serve at the Council's pleasure and who can be replaced at anytime that the Council desires.

    o3. The Operating Commission, like all other Commissions, should operate on the basis of continuously published and reviewed principles, rather than on the basis of legalistic procedures.

    04. Service within the Operating Commission, and all Commissions, at all levels, should be for reasonably limited periods of time, not exceeding ten years, and with gradual rotation of expert skills from other organizations to assure both continuity and dedication to the goals and principles of the Commission rather than to the organization per se.

P. Peace Commission -

    p1. Establishing and maintaining peace will undoubtedly be one of the foremost concerns of the World Supreme Council. Peace will actually be an outgrowth of unity, justice and prosperity.

    p2. Peace should not be a concern of only the World Supreme Council but also the concern of Councils and individuals at every level. All Councils should concern themselves with achieving and maintaining the means of peace at every level below them.

    p3. All persons and Councils should be concerned with achieving peace and the causes of peace - everywhere, and not just immediately surrounding themselves.

Q. Quarantine Commission -

    q1. Because all societies in the world are interrelated and interdependent, vigilance should be maintained regarding awareness of disruptions of a medical, environmental, or social nature before they contaminate adjoining areas - and potential contamination should be the concern of higher levels.

R. Revenue Commission -

    r1. Because the Councils have the authority for determining both Entitlement and currency creation at their level they are fully capable of controlling such revenue resources as are available within their area.

    r2. Higher level in-line Commissions have a responsibilty, and similarly the authority and resources, to achieve the goals of full employment and just distribution of product within all levels in their areas.

S. Statistical Commission -

    s1. One of the most important and essential Commissions at every Council level is the Statistical Commission. This Commission should be totally unfettered in measuring and publishing achievement and compliance of all goals determined by the Council.

      s1a. Such goals may include, but not be limited to:

      * Freedom of expression
      and other human rights

      * Employment and unemployment

      * Education

      * Medical care and health

    s2. This publishing of measured, monitored, and recorded statistics regarding the achievement of social values may be the best instrument to assure progress in the social organization. When there are deficiencies regarding the internal affairs of a community -
    grading should cause sufficient embarrassment
    to eventually achieve compliance.

    s3. Sociologists should establish
    measurement criteria
    and independent International Teams
    such as from both Higher Commissions and NGOs
    must be free to go anywhere
    and monitor and measure achievement
    according to their own criteria -
    and their results should be
    continuously published, updated and critiqued.

T. Telecosm and Transportation Commission -

    t1. All international transportation
    and communication
    should be licensed and regulated by the World Body.

    t2. All regional and area transportation
    and communication
    should be licensed and regulated by the Council over that region or area.

    t3. A higher Council will be free to determine which nodes of a transportation or communication system, within a lower region or area, are a part of its higher system and will have the authority to regulate those nodes as it feels necessary.

U. Universal Rights Commission -

    u1. The Universal Rights Commissions should be particularly concerned about the protection of Religion and morality.

    u2. The Universal Rights Commission must assure that the variously designated Charter of Human Rights, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Bill of Human Rights is equally applied regardless of sex, religion, race, nationality, or culture.

    u3. Similar Commissions may be appointed by Councils at each level but their policies and decisions are subject to review and modification by the Commissions at the higher in-line levels.

    u4. Separately or in cooperation with the Statistical Commissions the Universal Rights Commissions should measure and publish attainment to the universal standard.

V. Violence Commission -

    v1. Terrorism should be viewed as a global problem and subject to global sanctions no matter where it occurs. National sponsorship of terrorism
    should of course not be tolerated.
    Neither should national harbouring of terrorists.

    v2. Terrorism - broadly defined as anything
    that seeks to be destructive -
    (including such things as generating
    Internet viruses, scams, and spam (unsolicited bulk emailing))
    should be defined as an International crime,
    and initially should be
    pursued, prosecuted and punished
    by security organizations at all levels.

    v3. With maturing society -
    international enforcement
    should be extended
    to terrorism infractions internal to any in-line sub-level.

    v4. Other issue areas that might need to be addressed under such a system would include drug trafficking.

W. Welfare Commission -

    w1. The World Supreme Council will take a universal and global view as to eliminating extremes of poverty among international areas but World Regional Councils must also seek to create balance within their regions and this must remain the pattern down to the very root levels.

X. eXploration minerals Commission -

    x1. There needs to be granted to individuals the incentive and means to search for minerals and resources of every sort.

    x2. Minerals and all natural resources are ultimately the property of the World Supreme Council - in trust for the whole of humanity.

    x3. Control of minerals and natural resources may be implicitly or explicitly assigned to Councils at any level, such assignment subject to revocation at any time by higher in-line Councils.

    x4. Entitlement to and conservation and exploitation of the resources should eventually rest with specific individuals for such duration as is the pleasure of the assigning Council or some higher in-line Council.

    x5. Higher Councils should regulate the use of resources to assure that they are efficiently obtained, that there is not unfair competition in their distribution and use, and that there is justice for all those associated with the involved industries.

Y. Youth Commission -

    y1. Promoting the moral development of children in society.

    y2. Children's welfare and health standards.

    y3. Assuring universal education and rights of children.

    y4. These Commissions will undoubtedly have to coordinate their activities with other Commissions and with NGOs.

Z. Zone Force Commission -

    z1. All Councils, Regions, Areas should have
    standard equipment for their police and emergency forces.
    There should be standard training
    for all forces so that the forces
    are interchangeable and can supplement one another.
    The amount of equipment
    and the size of each force
    will be regulated by the World Supreme Council
    dependent upon the Council's objectives and the areas needs.

    z2. Each lower Council's force would be required
    to provide in accordance with standards
    a certain percentage of its force
    to the next higher Council -
    with a larger percentage
    to be drawn upon
    as emergencies may demand.

    z3. The forces at all levels
    should be highly trained
    and have the equipment necessary to their level
    for dealing with and responding to
    emergenicies of all types
    including natural catastrophes
    social disruptions and so forth.


The alphabetic list of example Commissions is nothing more than that - an example of the types of Commissions and activities that Councils must concern themselves with. At various levels some of the examples may be thought entirely unnecessary while there are many dozens, even hundreds or thousands of others that may be desired in some particular circumstances. Circumstances and needs are always changing.

Many people would like to return to the past. The past did not work because it was defective. It was not just partially defective such that making a few adjustments in the old system would correct it - no, it was totally defective.

The old system needs to be replaced by something quite different. Any supposedly 'balance of power', political party, power politic systems will have the same inherent problems of contention, strife, and the powerful eventually winning at the disadvantage of the less powerful economically, politically, avariciously. We should not want such adversarial systems.

What is proposed here is that the new system should be based upon ever improving Principles, that are being continuously examined and modified as the needs may be. The basic principles seen here are that:

      a. Decentralization. The lowest levels of community and government should have immediate responsibility for their affairs.

      b. Bottom up selection. That higher-level leaders should be selected from the bottom up so that they reflect grassroots interests rather than selecting new leaders with an outlook similarly to those already at the higher levels.

      c. Very defined limits to terms of office. This applies in the Councils, in the Commissions and in the administrative organizations, so that there does not arise a bureaucratic mentality of preserving the organization or one's position in the organization rather than serving the intended purpose and goal of the organization.

      d. Individual responsibility for Commissions and Enterprises so that decisions are the responsibility of specific individuals rather than soulless committees or corporations.

      e. Security in entitlement and authority from the lowest to the highest levels so that decision makers will not feel subject to arbitrary review of, or challenge to their decisions, but that higher authority can still take direct intervention to whatever extent they desire when they feel that circumstances decree that such intervention is the lesser of the two evils.

      f. Open sharing and publication of facts and statistics so there can be critical and reasonable evaluation of the reality of all situations.

      g. Continuous improvement in establishing universally the Principles embodied in the Charter of Human Rights.

      h. A continuous striving to improve upon the spiritual, moral and social principles governing the affairs of humanity.

While there may seem to be a tension between some of the ideals expressed above, and some of them may even seem to be in conflict with each other, the progress towards unity and justice for the whole of humanity will remain forever the goal that will require the continuing striving of all of humanity and the continuous readjustment of the instruments used for that purpose.

The Principles presented here are not a final ideal but rather a mechanism for beginning what must be a continuing journey in the progress of humanity towards universal unity, justice, peace and prosperity in accordance with the wishes of its Creator.

Bruce Beach
March 12th, 2006