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ESSAY 04 - Jesus

One of the most amazing things about Bible Prophecy is the prediction of the re-establishment of Israel. Futurists today have difficulty making predictions 50 years into the future. Look at these: The prophecies in the Bible, that many people are concerned about being fulfilled today, were made many centuries ago. Is it possible that there can actually be this kind of accurate prophecy? And yet, there in the Bible was the Prophecy and Promise for the Jews that they would return to Israel and it became true centuries later.

Now here is another prophecy that was made to the Jews centuries before it came true. Prophecy and the Prophetic Times associated with it are difficult for many people to see, and therefore many people do not recognize its fulfillment even when it has occurred.

Such was the case with Jesus. He claimed to be the Messiah promised to the Jews. In fact that was the basis of His claim to fame. If He was not THAT One then, so far as they were concerned, it made no difference who He was. But, for two thousand years the Christians were not able to prove to the Jews who Jesus was while the mathematical proof lay right there in the Jews' own Book of Daniel. This is the reason that we are examining the 4 verses in The Book of Daniel (9:24-27). It is surely not too much to take and comprehend four Bible verses. (Read them for yourself - as Jesus commanded).

Verse 24 mentions 70 weeks.
Verse 25 says 69 of these weeks are comprised of:
Verse 27
adds Everyone should know, from the Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address - "Four score years ... ago our fathers brought forth on this continent....." that a score is 20 so 3 score is 60. What we have therefore is: "Seventy weeks to seal up the vision and prophecy and to anoint the Most Holy" (or as we discussed in the previous essay) To measure a time, one must know from where to begin and verse 9:25 tells us that this time begins from: That historical date you can obtain from a number of different sources such as some encyclopedias (especially Bible encyclopedias) or the marginal notes of some Bibles, or other similar references. (It can be looked up in many places.)

The event is referenced in Ezra 7:13 and most scholars (Christian, Jewish and otherwise) agree that it occurred in 457 BC.

The prophetic date of 70 weeks is broken up into blocks. Basically, if we look at 69 weeks plus the one last week we can see the dates that interest us.

Again a Bible Reference will tell you that this is when Jesus began His ministry. (He was born in 4 BC and 26 plus 4 makes Him 30 years old - when He began it, which is the age, under Rabbinical Law that a man could become a Rabbi or Teacher).

Again look in a reference and you will find that Jesus was crucified 7 years later in 33 AD. Seven years is the same as one Prophetic Week and this means that He fulfilled the Covenant (The Promise) to the Jews for one week and just exactly at the time as the Scriptures had prophesized. (Do read the whole 4 verses in Daniel - which tell about the Messiah being cut off - but not for Himself - because He was a sacrifice for the whole of mankind).

But down through the centuries, the Christians were never able to show this prophecy to the Jews, because as The Book of Daniel says, it was a sealed book and the meaning was not opened until the 'Time of the End'. There are many details about this prophecy that one could discuss for hours, but we are not going into details here. The following is a chart that will give you an overall view.






Ezra 7:13
457 BC
Dan 9:25 |___7 weeks____408 BC completion of rebuilding
| (49 years)
Dan :25 |___7 weeks__&_62 weeks___=__69_weeks__26 AD John
| (49 years) & (434 years)=_(483 years) the Baptist
Dan 9:27 |__________69 weeks___________________&_1_week=_70_weeks
| (483 years) 7 years=490 years
Dan 9:24 |_______________70_weeks______________________33 AD
| (490 years) Christ

The Prophecy of the Time of Christ

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