Share the Secret

Secret of Life is a COMPLETELY ORGANIC fertilizer that YOU can make yourself.

Our greenhouse
Our Greenhouse
    Do the test yourself !!!:

    * As in the first picture prepare three trays -

      a. In the first tray put just compost.

      b. In the second tray add to the compost your favorite fertilizer(s)
      (We put 11% SOL).

      c. In the third tray add to the compost 21% Secret of Life.

      * Water all three trays daily and look at the results at the end of 18 days.

With your sample of the Secret of Life we will send you full directions of how to make it. We just want to make sure that you do the experiment with a correctly made sample.

    Our goal is for you to learn the secret and to share it with others. We provide the secret to you freely and hope that you will do the same with others.

* Once you are convinced of the benefit - you can produce your own Secret of Life.

    Secret of Life can be contacted:

    c/o Jean Beach
    161 Main St.
    Horning's Mills, Ontario
    (519) 925-6035

    [email protected]

    Secret of Life

The Secret of Life can be a major factor in feeding the world's hungry
if enough people come to know about it.

We learned the Secret of Life from:
